Live and Beauty After #23

After marrying #23, a series of events led to a lot of trauma, a lot of family court, and a lot of changes. Join me on my new journey as I practice wholehearted living as a survivor of domestic violence.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Plan Evolves

After three weeks in the Midwest and hauling loads of luggage up 4 flights of stairs, I am finally back in my stifling NYC apartment. I would normally take public transport home from the airport but I was really beat after boarding a 5am flight so called a car service. I am someone who will happily leave the house without makeup and sporting a baseball cap, not really caring what I look like in the line at Duane Reade. When I left my parents' house yesterday morning before 4, you can bet I didn't care!

So here I am, dead tired, un-caffeinated, and looking about as rough as I can and getting into my "silver SUV, marked #10". I am in no mood to chit-chat and this is usually when drivers decide they want to talk to me. This one was full of questions. Where was I coming from? How long had I been gone? What do I do? What's my name? Huh? Drivers never ask my name. But this attractive, Egyptian, would-be-account was interested. So I bite and join in the conversation. Upon arriving in front of my building with the blue stoop he gives me his card and asks that I call him sometime. Hey, if I guy finds me intriguing enough upon meeting me without my mojo, he at least deserves a call. It's likely he will appear in one of the first ten dates of this project.

So the project: my quest. As I said before, I'm not looking for the one and because of this I'm going to be able to go out with men that I wouldn't normally (like The Driver). This excites me because I love to meet new people! Living in New York gives me a huge pool of men to work with. Let us not forget the tourists either :) "Where am I going to come up with 50 dates" is probably your question. Be honest ladies, you are approached 50 times over by guys who you don't give the time of day. Whether you are sitting at a bar or on a park bench or in line for your grande soy no foam latte, they are there and you are continuously brushing them off. Without the objective of looking for someone to share my life with, I can give these random Starbucks customers a chance.

Some of you may be thinking "Slut! 50 guys in one year?!?!" This will be the tricky part for me. In the past I have almost always kissed on the first date. My logic being that you can tell a lot about the future of a relationship from the first kiss so lets get it out of the way early. I'm not looking for a future relationship so no kissing! No sex! Oy. It was almost painful typing that one! But these dates are strictly business.

So what if I go out with a great guy who wants to see me again? Of course I will give him a couple more hours. I have made some great friends out of guys who I dated and it didn't go anywhere. Should a third date come along, I'll let him know what I've been up to which will likely kill any romantic thoughts he may be having. If it doesn't, we'll take it from there. But honestly, I very seldom get to the third date!

The 411 on these guys. Without giving you photos I will give you some key information about each of these guys upfront. Each will get a reference name. You already met The Marine, The Ramone, and The Driver. Occupation. Height. Level of attractiveness (homely, dorky, cute, hot, normal, distinguished, etc.). And we'll break down the selling points at the end of each date: bonus features and "as is" defaults. We ARE treating this as a shopping experience, after all.

There are a couple of options for this week's date, but I am just getting settled. I don't know if I am fully prepared for the year that lies ahead of me, but we shall soon find out!

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